The Study on the Game Results of Sports Festivals in the Late Choseon Dynasty 인문,사회과학편 : 구한말 운동회 경기결과에 관한 연구
이계산GyeSanLee , 박상석SangSeokPark
54(4) 1-18, 2015
The Study on the Game Results of Sports Festivals in the Late Choseon Dynasty 인문,사회과학편 : 구한말 운동회 경기결과에 관한 연구
이계산GyeSanLee , 박상석SangSeokPark
The study was designed to investigate the game results of sports festivals in the Late Choseon Dynasty. For this, the findings of this study were based on pictures, newspapers, magazines, diaries, reports, etc, all from the Choseon Dynasty. The results were as follows. The game results of school sports festivals in the Late Choseon were focused on the events in athletics and amusements area. Participants were divided into junior, senior and chesoin(體小人), chedaein(體大人) and the results were found to be different in accordance with each type. The field events were recorded. The name of the prizes were called as the first to the fourth class, jangwon(壯元), choeudeungsaeng(最優等生), teukbyeoludeungsaeng(特別優等生). The game results of social sports festivals in the Late Choseon were focused on the events of athletics area. Participants were divided into daein(大人), yeonsoja(年少者) and jangnyeon(壯年), jungnyeon(中年), yunyeon(幼年) and the game results were made, according to the type of participants. The name of the prizes were called as the first to the fifth class. The game results of union sports festivals in the Late Choseon were based on the events of athleticsㆍamusementsㆍeducations area. Also an organization was formed to make the game results rational and systematic. The records of the game results tended to be reckless and the name of the prizes were called as the first to the fifth class, udeung(優等), useung(優勝), teukbyeolsang(特別賞). Also female students who showed the best performances were called as udeungsaeng(優等生) and male student were called as choeudeungsaeng(最優等生).
Key Words
the late choseon dynasty, the sports festivals, the game results
Modern Olympics and Cultural Identity: Focusing on 2008 Beijing Olympics and 2012 London Olympics 인문,사회과학편 : 근대올림픽과 문화 정체성: 2008년 베이징올림픽과 2012년 런던올림픽을 중심으로
54(4) 19-30, 2015
Modern Olympics and Cultural Identity: Focusing on 2008 Beijing Olympics and 2012 London Olympics 인문,사회과학편 : 근대올림픽과 문화 정체성: 2008년 베이징올림픽과 2012년 런던올림픽을 중심으로
It is aimed to illuminate the relation between modern Olympics and cultural identity focusing on 2008 Beijing and 2012 London Olympics. The research outcomes are as follows. First, Olympics can be considered as cultural collective activity to express historical cultural environment and character of host nation. Host nations intend to use the Games to recover national tradition, to formulate ethnic national self-esteem, to create new identity according to the times and so forth. Second, Beijing Olympics can be recognized as contributing to China``s return to Sino-centralism. This is the result of demanding reflections of hegemonism, expansionism and interference. It can be understood a new nationalism is to show off the power in the region and the world. Third, London Olympics can be witnessed that Britain does not stay in the past but expand openness and active acceptance for multi-cultures to formulate new cultural identity. Consequently, hosting the Olympics contributes to economic political benefits, to integrating a nation, to reconsidering a new national identity as well as to founding the rightful way for sporting culture.
Key Words
Modern Olympics, cultural identity, 2008 Beijing Olympics, 2012 London Olympics, Sino-centralism, multi-culturalism
The Life and Athletic Activity of Volleyballer Jeong Sun-heung 인문,사회과학편 : 배구인 정선흥의 생애와 체육활동
진윤수YoonSooJin , 정문현MoonHyunJung
54(4) 31-42, 2015
The Life and Athletic Activity of Volleyballer Jeong Sun-heung 인문,사회과학편 : 배구인 정선흥의 생애와 체육활동
진윤수YoonSooJin , 정문현MoonHyunJung
This study, which investigated the life and athletic activity of Jeong Sun-heung who had lived as a volleyballer, politician as well as athletic administrator, aimed to identify his influence on the development of our country``s volleyball. For this purpose, the study examined his life and athletic activity using memoirs, newspapers, magazines, interview and other relevant literature, and as a result reached conclusions as below. First, through volleyball he greatly contributed to enhancing the national prestige and people``s morale, cure of wounds by the war and boosting national pride: He enhanced war-ridden peoples`` morale by participating as a main attacker and leading a come-from-behind victory in the international competition at New Delhi in 1963 which was the first game of the kind since the country``s division into south and north in 1945; he publicized the start of Korea``s volleyball history by participating in 1964 Tokyo Olympics; he led the national team to win the silver medal in 1966 Bangkok Asian Games. Second, based on strong willpower, Jeong Sun-heung dedicated himself to fostering of the younger generation and the country``s development of sports. Third, he laid the foundation for growth and advancement of the country``s volleyball by contributing to the development of Chungnam Volleyball Association and the area``s sports while working as a local politician and athletic administrator.
Key Words
Life and Athletic Activity, Volleyballer, Jeong Sun-heung
Ethical Issues and Responses in Gene Doping 인문,사회과학편 : 유전자 도핑(Gene Doping)의 윤리적 쟁점과 대응방안
김지호JiHoKim , 이은비EunBiLee , 박성주SungJooPark
54(4) 43-58, 2015
Ethical Issues and Responses in Gene Doping 인문,사회과학편 : 유전자 도핑(Gene Doping)의 윤리적 쟁점과 대응방안
김지호JiHoKim , 이은비EunBiLee , 박성주SungJooPark
The goal of this article is to examine ethical problems raised by gene doping, not merely drug taking, in order to suggest some solutions. I begin with an investigation of the concept and practice of gene doping, and previous studies on the topic in South Korea. Building upon this preliminary research, this article analyzes the ethical problems emerging from gene doping in sport in four aspects: 1) the distinction between therapy and performance improvement in sport 2) health risks 3) fairness in sport 4) role models. I conclude with a suggestion that we need to use public awareness ads, legislate special acts, improve on testing methods, and offer education programs for sport ethics, in order to prevent gene doping. This article argues for the need of continuous research on how to stop gene doping insofar as gene doping, I firmly believe, mars the core value of sport and threatens the very existence of sport.
Key Words
sport, gene doping, ethical issues, value of sport
Mom`s Voice of the Soccer Club: Development of the Sociological Model for Participation of Children in the Private Soccer Club 인문,사회과학편 : 축구클럽을 말하는 모성(母聲): 자녀의 축구클럽 참가에 대한 사회학적 모델화 연구
변상수SangSooByun , 남상우SangWooNam , 오병돈ByoungDonOh
54(4) 59-68, 2015
Mom`s Voice of the Soccer Club: Development of the Sociological Model for Participation of Children in the Private Soccer Club 인문,사회과학편 : 축구클럽을 말하는 모성(母聲): 자녀의 축구클럽 참가에 대한 사회학적 모델화 연구
변상수SangSooByun , 남상우SangWooNam , 오병돈ByoungDonOh
This study examined how we understand participation of kids into soccer club recognized as an individual behavior in the contexts of the socio-cultural structure. For this, we performed an in-depth interview with seven mothers who enrolled their sons in the private soccer club at the N-dong in D-metropolitan city. Asking to them "why do you send your sons to the club", we tried to reveal the structure of social motivation beyond the common sensual understanding of this kind of participation as psychological or healthy issues. The first reason to participate in the club was to acquire somethings that were beneficial to their children. This first reason was made into proposition, saying that the reason to participate their sons into the club was to acquire dominant status in the relationships among peers by building hegemonic masculinity and increasing health. The second reason was to bond of friendships with increased physical capital and social capital by distinguishing themselves with soccer playing ability. The last reason to participate into the club was named as a chance of life, propositioning that by enrolling their sons in the club, mothers anticipated qualitative upgrade of their children``s life chance because the children are able to experience special lessons about soccer with the private domain, which most other kids cannot have in their life.
Key Words
ABC Model of Participation, Soccer Club, Mother, Acquirement, Bond, Chance
Who Knows Who? Homophily in Parental Networks of Korean Phythmic Gymnasts 인문,사회과학편 : 연재 어머니는 누구와 친한가? 리듬체조 선수 학부모들의 사회적관계 분석
The purpose of this study was to investigate the structures of parental networks of Korean rhythmic gymnasts and to examine whether homolhily existed. Research questions were: (1) What are the network structures of Korean rhythmic gymnasts`` parents? (2) What structural parameters contribute to parental network structures, and (3) Is there an association between parental position in the network and ranking of gymnast? A total of 77mothers of youth rhythmic gymnasts (6-18 years old)participated in this study. Each of those mothers was asked to complete a Name Generator Questionnaire (i.e., list four names that you have a close relationship with, list name(s) of the best coach(es) in the field, etc.) and general socio-demographic survey. Their gymnast children``s ranking of the year for 2013 was also reported to examine their status. Data were analyzed using social network analysis tools such as UCINET and p-net. This study found that (1) homophily was identified in parental networks of gymnasts, homophily (e.g., by gymnasts`` ranking, team affiliation, coach) contributed to the total social network of parents, and (2) interacting only with others in the network, members received information about coaches/coaching from the strong ties rather than weak ties (Granovettor, 1973) and (3) position of parents in the network are associated with gymnasts`` performance scores. This study suggest that parental homophily ties are formed by the ranking of their children in the sports arena through which they exchange information about competition, coaches, school works, etc.
Key Words
educational involvement, parental social network, network analysis, homophily, strong tie
Influence of Self-Determination on Exercise Commitment and School Resilience of School Sports Club Participants in Middle School 인문,사회과학편 : 학교스포츠클럽 참여 중학생들의 자기결정성이 운동몰입 및 학교적응유연성에 미치는 영향
서중락JoongRakSeo , 김인형InHyungKim , 이상돈SangDonRhee
54(4) 81-91, 2015
Influence of Self-Determination on Exercise Commitment and School Resilience of School Sports Club Participants in Middle School 인문,사회과학편 : 학교스포츠클럽 참여 중학생들의 자기결정성이 운동몰입 및 학교적응유연성에 미치는 영향
서중락JoongRakSeo , 김인형InHyungKim , 이상돈SangDonRhee
This study was performed to identify the effect of self-determination on exercise commitment and school resilience through participation in sport club activities in middle school students. A survey was conducted by selecting the study population through purposive sampling and using questionnaires on 683 students participating in sport club activities in middle schools located in B city. Data gathered from questionnaires were analyzed with exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, independence t-test and multiple regression analysis. The results are as follows: First, the self-determination of students involving in school sport clubs had the effect on cognitive exercise commitment in the order of competence, autonomy and relatedness, and on behavioral exercise commitment in the order of competence and autonomy. Second, students`` self-determination had influenced their interest in the order of relatedness, autonomy and competence, grade in the order of autonomy and relatedness, and norm in the order of autonomy and competence. Third, exercise commitment had the effect on interest, one of the sub-scales of school resilience, in the order of cognitive exercise commitment and behavioral exercise commitment. Meanwhile, cognitive exercise commitment had a significant effect on norm.
Key Words
school sports club, self-determination, exercise commitment, school resilience
Nintendo Wii Sports Adoption Process in Older Population Based on Diffusion of Innovation 인문,사회과학편 : 혁신이론 관점에서 본 노인의 Wii Sports 수용기제
54(4) 93-109, 2015
Nintendo Wii Sports Adoption Process in Older Population Based on Diffusion of Innovation 인문,사회과학편 : 혁신이론 관점에서 본 노인의 Wii Sports 수용기제
The purpose of this study was to understand how older adults adopt Nintendo Wii as an innovation. Eleven participants were older adults recruited from S senior center located in K city and all participants were a member of Nintendo Wii program in the S senior center. This study employed participatory observation and focus group. All data were analyzed by thematic analysis invented by Patton. The adopting system of older participants emerged from data were 1) factors leading initial reluctance to accept Nintendo Wii, 2) intervening factors to accept Nintendo Wii, and 3) factors leading Nintendo Wii adoption. Firrst of all, the factors leading initial reluctance to accept Nintendo Wii includes inconveniences to accept new item, Complexity and negative emotion toward learning process, and preference to existing lifestyle. Second, the intervening factors to accept Nintendo Wii includes meeting students and their supports, and building social relationship with their cohort. Factors leading Nintendo Wii adoption includes novelty and interest, convenience and perceived ease of use, benefits of participating physical activity, and re-experience their physical activity experience in the past through virtual reality. Consequently, older adults gradually adopt the Nintendo Wii as one of innovations.
Key Words
Older Adults, Diffusion of Innovation, Technology Adoption, Nintendo Wii
A Study on Recognition of Professional Sport Fans for Immigration of Sports Athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 프로스포츠선수의 국적이동에 대한 프로스포츠팬의 인식 연구
맹이섭LeeSeobMaeng , 권웅WoongKwon
54(4) 111-121, 2015
A Study on Recognition of Professional Sport Fans for Immigration of Sports Athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 프로스포츠선수의 국적이동에 대한 프로스포츠팬의 인식 연구
맹이섭LeeSeobMaeng , 권웅WoongKwon
The purpose of this study was 1) to investigate professional sports fans`` perception of immigrants and changes of athletes`` nationalities, and 2) to examine how the fans`` perception affected the perception of changes of athletes`` nationalities. Results indicated that first the fan showed a neutral attitude toward the immigrants. In the results of the regression analysis containing foreign athletes naturalized as Korean citizens as the dependent variable, independent variables (i.e., gender and acceptance) explained 39.1% and 38% of the dependent variable, respectively, within [naturalization positive]. Within [naturalization negative] female fan and exclusive perception of immigrants positively predicted the objection to changes of athletes`` nationalities. Lastly, in the results of the regression analysis containing Korean athletes who naturalized as foreign citizens as the dependent variable, fans who were older and rated higher on exclusive perception of immigrants had more negative perception of the dependent variable. Female fans perceived changes of athletes nationalities as personal choice.
Key Words
professional sport, fans, immigration, sports athlete, recognition
Socio-Cultural Meaning of Camping Activity 인문,사회과학편 : 캠핑활동의 사회문화적 의미 읽기
권기남KiNamKwon , 이주혁JuHyokLee , 이정래JungRaeLee
54(4) 123-137, 2015
Socio-Cultural Meaning of Camping Activity 인문,사회과학편 : 캠핑활동의 사회문화적 의미 읽기
권기남KiNamKwon , 이주혁JuHyokLee , 이정래JungRaeLee
The purpose of this study is to figure out the internal and external changes of the fast- growing camping activity recently and socio-cultural meaning of camping activity. A phenomenological study method was carried out to achieve the purpose of this study. Participants were selected from 5 campers, 2 camping operators and 3 camping equipment sellers by purposeful sampling method. Research data was collected by in-depth interviewing and collecting related data. The collected data was analyzed through textual-analysis. The results were as follows; Recently, camping activity has changed into family centered activity and its equipments have been modernized, diversified and high-priced. The campgrounds also have been pursued a form of modernized and comfortable. Such camping activities lead to the socio-cultural meanings as follows; First, it has reflected a self-portrait of modern people being not out of modernization. Second, there has been the transition of consumption value as an activity available. Third, it has been considered to a tool for satisfying vanity.
Key Words
camping activity, phenomenological study method, social, cultural meaning
Female Basketball Athletes Entered the College of Education: A Story about Education and Career of Student Athletes 인문,사회과학편 : "여자농구선수들, 사범대학에 오다": 학생선수의 학업과 진로에 대한 이야기
김은정EunJungKim , 이근모KeunMoLee , 장승현SeungHyunJang
54(4) 139-155, 2015
Female Basketball Athletes Entered the College of Education: A Story about Education and Career of Student Athletes 인문,사회과학편 : "여자농구선수들, 사범대학에 오다": 학생선수의 학업과 진로에 대한 이야기
김은정EunJungKim , 이근모KeunMoLee , 장승현SeungHyunJang
The purpose of the present study is to observe in-depth what kind of changes the establishment of a female basketball team in a college of education and the experiences the female basketball players have within that situation bring to their lives and their paths in life and social implications. To achieve this purpose, the female basketball team at the Department of Physical Education in P University was selected as a research environment and its members as research participants and qualitative research was conducted. Research results showed first, that female basketball athletes were already on a set path before they entered college. They had not thought about their path in life independently and had a passive attitude towards their life paths and were experiencing a culture in which studies were not permitted. Second, female basketball athletes discovered a new path upon college entrance. While meeting various friends, they gained friends and not just colleagues and after becoming aware that the main character in their lives is ``themselves``, they showed autonomy. Based on this, factors for their change, which are the implications of this study, were first, the environment of P University``s college of education which has strict regulations and a strong emphasis on academics when compared to other universities, second, the identity of being the first enrollments into the female basketball team of P University``s college of education and the distinct characteristics of being a female athlete, third, the group``s leader who contributed to their positively directed change. Ultimately, these factors served an important role in leading their change in the large frame of a university environment.
Key Words
female basketball athletes, college of education, education and career of student athletes
The Mediating Effects of Stress Coping in the Relation between Mindfulness and Mental Health among University Dance Students 인문,사회과학편 : 무용학과 대학생의 마음챙김과 정신건강과의 관계에서 스트레스 대처의 매개효과
서차영ChaYoungSuh , 장보경BoKyoungJang
54(4) 157-167, 2015
The Mediating Effects of Stress Coping in the Relation between Mindfulness and Mental Health among University Dance Students 인문,사회과학편 : 무용학과 대학생의 마음챙김과 정신건강과의 관계에서 스트레스 대처의 매개효과
서차영ChaYoungSuh , 장보경BoKyoungJang
This study examined the mediating roles of stress coping in the relation between mindfulness and mental health among university dance students. Participants were 683 dance students (73 males, 610 females) and completed to a questionnaire measuring dispositional mindfulness, stress coping strategies, and general mental health. A confirmatory factor analysis and multiple regression analysis using a SPSS version macro (Hayes, Preacher, & Myers, 2011) were conducted. Results of regression analysis showed that mindfulness was a predictor of problem-focused strategy, avoidance strategy, and mental health. These stress coping strategies were either positively or negatively associated with the level of students`` mental health. Especially, mindfulness contributed to decrease negative mental health via problem-focused strategy, but increase negative mental health through avoidance strategy. These findings suggest that university dance students`` dispositional mindfulness will be related with their adoption of stress coping strategies and mental health in generally.
Key Words
dance education, mindfulness, stress coping, mental health
Differences of Achievement Goals & Basic Psychological Needs by Perceived performance and Grade of Track & field Student-Athletics 인문,사회과학편 : 육상 학생선수의 경기력 및 학년에 따른 성취목표와 기본심리욕구의 차이분석
최덕묵DukMookChoi , 엄혁주HyokJuEum
54(4) 169-177, 2015
Differences of Achievement Goals & Basic Psychological Needs by Perceived performance and Grade of Track & field Student-Athletics 인문,사회과학편 : 육상 학생선수의 경기력 및 학년에 따른 성취목표와 기본심리욕구의 차이분석
최덕묵DukMookChoi , 엄혁주HyokJuEum
This study examined the relationships of achievement goals orientation and perceived basic psychological needs in elementary school track & field student-athletics, and tested athletic performances and grades differences in them. A total of 234 students (182 boys and 52 girls) completed athletic performances, achievement goals orientation and basic psychological needs Scale in their school. In order to analyze the data, we used a SPSS WIN version 18.0 program. Main statistical models used to analyze data were frequency analysis, correlation analysis, and MANOVA analysis. Correlational analysis identified conceptually consistent relationships between achievement goal orientation and perceived basic psychological needs. As a result of this study, the following findings were obtained. First, there are difference basic psychological needs and not achievement goals orientation in athletic performances. Second, there are difference achievement goals orientation and not basic psychological needs in grades. Lastly, there are not interactive influence in athletic performances and grades.
Relationships among Social Support, Major Satisfaction and Career Awareness of Students in Department of Taekwondo 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도학과 학생들의 사회적 지지, 학과만족, 진로의식의 관계
박성언SungUnPark , 정샘SamChung , 전정우JeongWooJeon
54(4) 179-188, 2015
Relationships among Social Support, Major Satisfaction and Career Awareness of Students in Department of Taekwondo 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도학과 학생들의 사회적 지지, 학과만족, 진로의식의 관계
박성언SungUnPark , 정샘SamChung , 전정우JeongWooJeon
The necessity and purpose of this study are to determine relationship between social support, major satisfaction and career awareness of students in Department of Taekwondo. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, data was collected and analyzed undergraduate students majoring in Taekwondo at College of Physical Education, K University located in Gyeonggi-do. The research tool consists of question paper including 41 questions. Convenience sampling method among non-probability sampling methods was adopted and total 202 question papers used for this study. The data was collected and analyzed by such as Frequency Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Exploratory Factor Analysis, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Correlation Analysis, Structural Equation Modeling Analysis using SPSS Statistics 20 and AMOS 18.0 Programs. The conclusions obtained from those analyses are as follows. First, social support to the students in the Department of Taekwondo had effects on satisfaction of major and department. Secondly, social support to the students in the Department of Taekwondo had effects on career awareness. Thirdly, satisfaction of major and department had effects on career awareness of students in the Department of Taekwondo. Finally, it is expected to see the subsequent studies may investigate diversified variables related to the career of the students in the Department of Taekwondo so that multi-dimensional and empirical studies can be performed to provide positivistic help for students in career development and the way forward.
Key Words
Department in Taekwondo, Social Support, Major Satisfaction, Career Awareness
Characteristics of Combat Sports Athletes` Injury Psychology and Coping Strategy 인문,사회과학편 : 투기종목 선수 부상 심리 및 대처방안 유형 탐색
홍영준YoungJunHong , 장덕선DukSunChang
54(4) 189-202, 2015
Characteristics of Combat Sports Athletes` Injury Psychology and Coping Strategy 인문,사회과학편 : 투기종목 선수 부상 심리 및 대처방안 유형 탐색
홍영준YoungJunHong , 장덕선DukSunChang
This study aims to classify the types of injury-psychology and coping strategies of combat sports athletes and to explore the subjectivity and also understand the characteristics of strategies through comparative analysis among types via Q-methodology. Open-ended questionnaires were devised from literature reviews and coach interviews, and surveys were conducted with 150 combat sports national team members to collect data. The factors extracted by the open-ended questionnaire were constructed based on the Q-samples, and 22 combat sports athletes who have experienced injuries during their career were selected for the P-sample. As the result of this research, the types of Injury-Psychology and coping strategies of combat sports athletes were classified as three categories and various Psychological·Physical problems were observed in all categories. Therefore, this study will be able to offer effective coping strategies based on identified types of combat sports athletes and promote and also to promote fast-recovery and return.
A Study on the Way of Revision of Korea National Curriculum for Physical Education: Focused on the Comparison between Norway and United States 인문,사회과학편 : 국가수준 체육교육과정의 개정방향 모색: 노르웨이와 미국의 비교를 중심으로
54(4) 203-219, 2015
A Study on the Way of Revision of Korea National Curriculum for Physical Education: Focused on the Comparison between Norway and United States 인문,사회과학편 : 국가수준 체육교육과정의 개정방향 모색: 노르웨이와 미국의 비교를 중심으로
This study aims to search for a way of revision of Korea national curriculum for physical education (P.E.) with focused on the comparison between Norway and United States of America (U.S.). According to United States Constitution, the federal role in education area is limited and most education policy including curriculum is decided at the state and local levels. Therefore, in this study, the references of California that is the most populous U.S. state were used as the ones of U.S. curriculum. The results are as follows. Curriculum of Norway is both "a single national-centered" and "multi-activity model," while one of California is a standards-based that has "standards-based lesson structure" and "examples of standards-based report cards." All of the state content standards including physical education were designed to encourage the achievement acquire at each grade level. Also curriculum of Norway does not have any final exams, but one of California emphasizes "assess student learning" and "evaluate assessment data." P.E. in Norway is an important general subject that shall inspire physical activity in all aspects of life and inspire lifelong enjoyment of being physical active. The teaching in its P.E. shall contribute to helping the pupils experience joy, inspiration and a sense of mastery by being physically active and by interacting with others. The main subject area outdoor life covers competence and skills needed to do things safely in nature and see the value of visiting natural environments. In conclusion, P.E. curriculum of Norway is more oriented to value, culture, and tradition, whereas one of U.S. California to physical education model and educational evaluation. Considering the above, it is needed for following studies to make clear positive implications of unfamiliar curriculum of top well being countries like as Norway.
Key Words
physical education, physical education curriculum of Norway, physical education curriculum of U.S. California
Subjectivity research on student-athletes` training attitude 인문,사회과학편 : 학생선수의 훈련태도에 대한 주관성 연구
최유리YouLeeChoi , 김지혁JiHyukKim
54(4) 221-231, 2015
Subjectivity research on student-athletes` training attitude 인문,사회과학편 : 학생선수의 훈련태도에 대한 주관성 연구
최유리YouLeeChoi , 김지혁JiHyukKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the student-athletes`` type and characteristic about training attitude. In order to meet the purpose of this study, Q methodology was employed. Subjects consisted of student-athletes registered in Korean Olympic Committee. 36 student-athletes were selected according to the Q methodology small sample theory. Q-sampling, the measuring instrument, collected the open-ended questions materials and statements from 200 student-athletes. The Q-population consisted of 44 statements to be collected out of which 25 Q-samples were selected. The result of Q-sorting were coded and analysed using QUANL pc program. The result is as follows. There are 3 types in student-athletes``s training types. First, training enthusiasm type is that athletes actively and sincerely participate in training with devoted attitude. Second, achievement goal type is that student-athletes participated in training with definite aim in order to reach the goal. Third, self-respect type is that student-athletes participated in training with the value and ability. The results of this study would be helpful for teaching the student athlete in the elite sport field.
Key Words
Student-Athlete, Training Attitude, Subjectivity
Exploring the educational meanings of school sports clubs as an alternative education program 인문,사회과학편 : 대안교육 프로그램으로서 학교스포츠클럽의 교육적 의미 탐색
강연정YeonJungKang , 유정애JeongaeYou
54(4) 233-244, 2015
Exploring the educational meanings of school sports clubs as an alternative education program 인문,사회과학편 : 대안교육 프로그램으로서 학교스포츠클럽의 교육적 의미 탐색
강연정YeonJungKang , 유정애JeongaeYou
This paper has been initiated to explore the educational meanings of school sport clubs as one of the alternative programs. To date, little attention is given to the role of physical education or sports for maladjustment students. For this reason, this paper aims to address the educational meanings of school sport clubs as the alternative program in terms of maladjustment students and teachers`` perspectives. 5 maladjustment students and 4 teachers in M middle school located in Seoul are selected as research participants. For maladjustment students, school sport clubs are perceived as the source of happy school, school life for recovering and healing, and the acquisition of social life skill throughout peer mentoring. Also, school sport clubs as alternative programs are experienced the perception change toward maladjustment students, the possibility of healing student guidance, and the effect of caring and treating for teachers in the middle school. This paper is meaningful for a few alienated students to open the educational window in Korean schools that we could not or seldom see them as students.
Key Words
school sports clubs, maladjustment students, alternative education
How is Humanity taught in Korean Dance?: An Exploration on Two Ways of Dance Teaching Methods for Humanity 인문,사회과학편 : 한국무용에서는 인성을 어떻게 가르치는가?: 무용인성지도의 두 가지 방식 탐색
54(4) 245-256, 2015
How is Humanity taught in Korean Dance?: An Exploration on Two Ways of Dance Teaching Methods for Humanity 인문,사회과학편 : 한국무용에서는 인성을 어떻게 가르치는가?: 무용인성지도의 두 가지 방식 탐색
The primary aim of this study is to discover teaching methodology of Korean Dance for cultivating the humanity through exploration on teaching methods. Based on qualitative research method, I conducted literature analysis, in-depth interview, non-participant observation for data collection. The results of this study are as follows. First, ``Direct teaching methods`` are used in time teaching Korean dance, for the humanity revealing in dancing. These consist of ``Emphasizing the humanity``, ``Interpreting and explaining``, ``Recommending the experiences``, ``Making the environment``, ``Showing and improvising``, ``Concentrating on own breath``, ``Perceiving the music``, and ``Repeating the practices``. Second, ``Indirect teaching methods`` are used out of time teaching Korean dance, for the humanity revealing in living. These consist of ``Recommending the action``, ``Connecting the situation``, ``Facing and speaking plainly``, ``Having a insight and talking``, ``Inspiring the introspection``, ``Showing the philosophy``, ``Giving an example``, and ``Building a relationship``. These results provide specific methods of humanity education through Korean Dance. And I suggest theoretical discussion, programme development, and action research.
Key Words
dance education, korean dance education, humanity, direct teaching methods, indirect teaching methods
Content Analysis on the Expression Activity in the Middle School Physical Education Textbooks of 2009 Curriculum Revision 인문,사회과학편 : 2009 개정 교육과정에 따른 중학교 체육교과서 표현활동 영역 체제 분석
54(4) 257-269, 2015
Content Analysis on the Expression Activity in the Middle School Physical Education Textbooks of 2009 Curriculum Revision 인문,사회과학편 : 2009 개정 교육과정에 따른 중학교 체육교과서 표현활동 영역 체제 분석
The purpose of this study was to conduct content analysis on expression activity section in the physical education textbooks of 2009 curriculum revision and provide a basis for future middle school physical education. in order to accomplish the purpose of this study, 5 different kinds of physical education textbook. The physical education textbooks were examined through the comparative analysis and previous studies conducted for selections of the analysis bases. The results were as follows. First, textbooks devoted the space from 14.1 to 17.3%. In deployment and configuration of the section, each textbooks were used variety of methods, photographs and illustrations for motivations and advanced learning. Second, the instructional objectives were presented 4-6 each text book including expression activity concepts, understanding expression methods, personal competence reinforcement through creative activity, and watching performances. Learning contents were to focus on the concepts of aesthetic component in the esthetical expression, to highlight creative component in the modern expression, to express characteristic dances through understanding of the culture in the traditional expression. lastly, the middle assessments hight the understanding of each contents but small assessments focus on attitudes of character education.
Key Words
PE textbook, expression activity, content analysis, middle school
Analysis of Image Types for Character Education of Middle School Students in Physical Education Class 인문,사회과학편 : 인성을 강조한 중학교 체육수업에 대한 학생들의 이미지 유형
황경익KyongIkHwang , 임현주HyunJuIm
54(4) 271-281, 2015
Analysis of Image Types for Character Education of Middle School Students in Physical Education Class 인문,사회과학편 : 인성을 강조한 중학교 체육수업에 대한 학생들의 이미지 유형
황경익KyongIkHwang , 임현주HyunJuIm
The purpose of this study was to analysis of image types for character education of middle school students in physical education class. One hundred twenty students in the specialized middle school located in K city, were selected for the subjects based on the theory of Q methodology. Q samples were 31 Q statements finally extracted from the total of 120 Q statements after the experts`` consultation. The final 33 selections were surveyed to be forced distribution by the respondents to the statement of their positive, neutral, negative frequency distribution of the total score nine points. The factor analysis was conducted by utilizing the QUANL-PC program after the survey was complete. The following conclusions were derived by the factors centered over one. First, the perceived images of Physical Education were classified into six types. It was classified by subject cooperating subject, learning a delicacy, becoming close with other, learning manners, learning honest, preventing a school violence. Second, consistent common in six different types could be reached through a statement regarding this study couldn``t find. In other words, every one of six factors suggests that there is very unique complexion.
Key Words
character education , Q methodology, physical education classes
Relationships between Crisis Communication Strategies in Korea Baseball Organization(KBO) on Bad Calls and Public Relations 인문,사회과학편 : 오심에 따른 한국야구위원회(KBO)의 위기커뮤니케이션 전략과 공중관계성과의 관계
배정섭JungSupBae , 임범규BumGyuIm , 원도연DoyeonWon
54(4) 283-295, 2015
Relationships between Crisis Communication Strategies in Korea Baseball Organization(KBO) on Bad Calls and Public Relations 인문,사회과학편 : 오심에 따른 한국야구위원회(KBO)의 위기커뮤니케이션 전략과 공중관계성과의 관계
배정섭JungSupBae , 임범규BumGyuIm , 원도연DoyeonWon
This study analyzed the Korea Baseball Organization (KBO)’s crisis communication strategies regarding umpires’ bad calls, and each strategy’s impact on public relations. Data were collected from 275 baseball fans using survey questionnaires. T-test and one-way ANOVA were conducted to investigate the effectiveness of communication strategies per crisis situations. The results indicated that, firstly, open crisis communication strategies worked better in maintaining the perceived level of an organization’ commitment to the public, involvement in the local community, and organizational reputation in both simple and game-deciding bad call situations. Secondly, defensive strategies worsened the level of perceived organizational reliability in all situations. Thirdly, open communication strategies worked more effectively in the game-deciding bad call situations in comparison to a simple bad call situation. Overall, open crisis communication strategies were more effective in managing public relations.
Key Words
Korea Baseball Organization,KBO, bad Call, crisis communication strategy, public relation
A Study on the Consumer Experience and Service Improvement in Busan Yacht Resort by Utilizing Critical Incidents Technique 인문,사회과학편 : 결정적 사건기법(CIT)을 활용한 부산지역 요트리조트 이용경험 및 서비스개선에 관한 연구
54(4) 297-311, 2015
A Study on the Consumer Experience and Service Improvement in Busan Yacht Resort by Utilizing Critical Incidents Technique 인문,사회과학편 : 결정적 사건기법(CIT)을 활용한 부산지역 요트리조트 이용경험 및 서비스개선에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to figure out the consumer experience and service improvement factors in Busan yacht resort by utilizing critical incidents technique which is the one of qualitative analysis methods. To attain the goal, the researcher selected 348 visitors who participated in the yacht resort provided at the yacht and conducts research using CIT. The analysis of the data was produced based on the observation reliability of 3 independent researchers who has sport management and marine leisure tourism background. The results based on in-depth interviews were as follows. First, according to the results of analyzing the yacht visitors’ positive experiences after the visit, through 6 abstract processes of 5 keyword, staff service, exterior view, cafeteria, self-esteem, and atmosphere. Second, according to the results of analyzing the yacht visitors’ negative experiences after the visit, 7 abstract processes of 5 keyword, fare, atmosphere, traffic, staff service, and concerns about the accident. Lastly, according to the result of analyzing measures to improve the yacht resort, fare, concerns about the accident, traffic, internet advance information, cafeteria, and discount.
Key Words
consumer experience, service improvement, Busan, yacht resort, critical incidents technique
The Structural Relationship among Experience in Sports Brand Flagship Store, Flow, Brand Image and Purchase Intention 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 브랜드 선도매장에서의 체험과 매장 몰입, 브랜드 이미지 및 구매 의도의 구조적 관계
김한수HanSooKim , 조광민KwangMinCho , 이승로SeungRoRhee
54(4) 313-327, 2015
The Structural Relationship among Experience in Sports Brand Flagship Store, Flow, Brand Image and Purchase Intention 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 브랜드 선도매장에서의 체험과 매장 몰입, 브랜드 이미지 및 구매 의도의 구조적 관계
김한수HanSooKim , 조광민KwangMinCho , 이승로SeungRoRhee
The purpose of the present research was to examine the multiple mediating effects of store flow and brand image on the relationship between experience in sports brand flagship store and purchase intention in the frame work of SEM(structural equation modeling). To investigate the consumers who visited sports brand flagship store, data were collected through a convenience sampling method. A total 317 data were analyzed by SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 20.0. The following results were obtained. First, experience in sports brand flagship store has a positive effect on flow. Second, experience in sports brand flagship store has a positive effect on brand image. Third, store flow has a positive effect on purchase intention. Fourth, brand image has a positive effect on purchase intention. Fifth, experience in sports brand flagship store does not have a significant influence on purchase intention. Sixth, both store flow and brand image work as multi mediated factors between experience in sports brand flagship store and purchase intention. Contribution of this study was to discover the store flow and brand image were important factors in sports brand flagship store. Thus, Both of them should be key components of sports brand development.
The Effects of Coach Turnover and Sport Team Performance: Evidence from the Korean Professional Soccer League 1983-2013 인문,사회과학편 : 한국프로축구팀의 감독교체가 팀 경기성과에 미치는 영향
김필수PhilSooKim , 김대권DaeKwonKim
54(4) 329-345, 2015
The Effects of Coach Turnover and Sport Team Performance: Evidence from the Korean Professional Soccer League 1983-2013 인문,사회과학편 : 한국프로축구팀의 감독교체가 팀 경기성과에 미치는 영향
김필수PhilSooKim , 김대권DaeKwonKim
Our study examines the relationship between coach turnover and professional sport team performance using the evidences of Korean professional soccer teams. We collected panel dataset of 304 team-year observations and 96 coaches from Korean professional soccer league during the period of 1983-2013. Among them, our final sample is comprised of 226 observations and 81 coaches manifested for fixed-effect generalized least square (GLS) regression analysis. Drawing on sport management literatures and organizational learning theory, we argue that it takes time for a new head coach to take charge of the team in which the new leader who secure more time to interact with organization members is better able to remodel and improve team performance. Our empirical findings reveal that off-season coach turnover has a positive impact while turnover during the season has its negative influences on team performance. In addition, we find that subsequent team performance in association of off-season coach turnover is comparably better than that of on-season succession. The results show that coach succession rendered from inside the professional soccer team mediates the relationship between coach turnover and team performance. Our findings imply that coach turnover in professional sport teams is a significant factor affecting team performance.
Key Words
Coach turnover, Organizational Learning, Sport team performance, Korean professional sport organization
Persuasion Effects of Corporate Sports Marketing Strategy on the Corporate Image: Focused on the Moderating Effect of Origin Perception and Corporate Reputation 인문,사회과학편 : 기업의 스포츠마케팅 전략에 따른 기업이미지 설득효과: 원산지 인식과 기업평판의 조절효과를 중심으로
장경로KyungRoChang , 김민철MinCheolKim
54(4) 347-361, 2015
Persuasion Effects of Corporate Sports Marketing Strategy on the Corporate Image: Focused on the Moderating Effect of Origin Perception and Corporate Reputation 인문,사회과학편 : 기업의 스포츠마케팅 전략에 따른 기업이미지 설득효과: 원산지 인식과 기업평판의 조절효과를 중심으로
장경로KyungRoChang , 김민철MinCheolKim
The purpose of this study was to examine whether corporate sports marketing strategy using professional teams changes corporate image. In particular, this study was intended to analyze the effects of origin and corporate reputation on the change of corporate image in the process of persuading corporate image. Finally 211 effect data were secured by pre-test and post-test. The change of corporate image and the moderating effect of origin perception and corporate reputation were analyzed. The results were as follows. First, corporate trust image and social contribution image showed statistically significant increase. Second, corporate image had a difference before and after the test according to origin perception and after the test, corporate trust image and social contribution image were increased. Third, corporate image had a difference before and after the test according to corporate reputation. After the test, corporate trust image and social contribution image were increased and trust image confirmed the mediating effect according to corporate reputation. Based on the findings, this study suggests that corporate sports marketing strategy using professional teams has an effect on the persuasion of corporate image. Moreover, it demonstrates that the strategy is an important marketing tool to change consumers`` corporate image.
Improvement and Promotion Plan for the Screen Baseball Utilization 인문,사회과학편 : 스크린야구 이용의 개선 및 증진방안
구수용SooYongKoo , 전용배YongBaeJeon , 최의열EuiYulChoi
54(4) 363-372, 2015
Improvement and Promotion Plan for the Screen Baseball Utilization 인문,사회과학편 : 스크린야구 이용의 개선 및 증진방안
구수용SooYongKoo , 전용배YongBaeJeon , 최의열EuiYulChoi
The purpose of this study was to suggest marketing plan to improve and promote screen baseball utilization, applying Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) incorporating marketing mix 4Cs; Customer value, Convenience, Cost, and Communication. A convenience sample was made up of 267 users in screen baseball clubs located in metropolitan area. Evidence on validity and reliability of the data was obtained through exploratory factor analysis and internal consistency analysis. Frequency analysis and paired sample t-test for the difference verification of IPA were conducted also in SPSS version 21.0 with .05 of significance level. The main results of the study were as follows. First, there were partially significant differences between importance and satisfaction regarding the sub-categories of Customer value and Convenience. Second, there were all significant differences between importance and satisfaction regarding the sub-categories of Cost and Communication. Third, as the results regarding IPA, quadrant Ⅰ indicating ``Keep up Good Work`` included healthy use of leisure time, improvement of self-achievement, accessibility, communication between service user and provider, etc. Fourth, quadrant Ⅱ indicating ``Concentrate Here`` included diversification of screen baseball program, cost regarding facility use, etc. Fifth, quadrant Ⅲ indicating ``Low Priority`` included interpersonal relationship, subsidiary facilities, cost of food and beverage, etc. Lastly, quadrant Ⅳ indicating ``Possible Overkill`` included improvement of physical health and life satisfaction and rules and procedures of screen baseball.
The Effects of the Elite Athlete Coach`s Justice on Team Silence and Team Commitment 인문,사회과학편 : 엘리트 스포츠 지도자의 공정성이 팀 침묵현상과 팀 몰입에 미치는 영향
54(4) 373-384, 2015
The Effects of the Elite Athlete Coach`s Justice on Team Silence and Team Commitment 인문,사회과학편 : 엘리트 스포츠 지도자의 공정성이 팀 침묵현상과 팀 몰입에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between the elite athlete coach’s justice on team silence behavior and team commitment in collegiate athletes. In order to achieve this goal, the participants(n=201) were selected to conduct the survey through the convenience sampling method from the elite athletes group in Seoul and Chungcheong-do. Using SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 20.0 the study provides descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equations modeling analysis. The outcomes indicate that; (1) Coach’s distributive justice have negative effect on team silence behavior; (2) coach’s distributive justice and procedural justice show statistically significant positive effect on team commitment; and (3) team silence behavior has negative impact on team commitment. Therefore, we should discuss to support policies for culture and communication advancement of sport teams.
Key Words
elite athlete coach`s justice, team silence behavior, team commitment
Relationship between Expectations regarding Aging and Health Promotion Lifestyle of Physical Activity Participants in Middle Age 인문,사회과학편 : 중년기 신체운동 참여자의 노화에 대한 기대와 건강증진 생활양식의 관계
54(4) 385-395, 2015
Relationship between Expectations regarding Aging and Health Promotion Lifestyle of Physical Activity Participants in Middle Age 인문,사회과학편 : 중년기 신체운동 참여자의 노화에 대한 기대와 건강증진 생활양식의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between expectations regarding aging and health promotion lifestyle of physical activity participants in middle age. The results were as follows. First, middle aged people participating in physical activity on 12 to 36 months or more than 36 months showed high scores on physical health, cognitional health among expectations regarding aging and personal relations, exercise, health responsibility among health promotion lifestyle. And middle aged people participating in physical activity on 3-4 times and more than 5 times a week showed high scores on physical health, cognitional health among expectations regarding aging and personal relations, exercise among health promotion lifestyle. Second, expectations regarding aging of physical activity participants in middle age had positive influence on health promotion lifestyle.
Key Words
expectations regarding aging, health promotion Lifestyle, middle age, physical activity
The Core Concept of Nourishing Personal Virtue Through Taekwondo 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도 인성 덕목에 필요한 개념 검토
차명환MyungHwanCha , 곽낙현NakHyunKwak
54(4) 397-405, 2015
The Core Concept of Nourishing Personal Virtue Through Taekwondo 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도 인성 덕목에 필요한 개념 검토
차명환MyungHwanCha , 곽낙현NakHyunKwak
The purpose of this study is to review the concept of introductory "personality" to establish the personal virtue of Taekwondo. The conclusion is as follows. First, Taekwondo is personality education to promote completion of personality through training and harmonious development of body and mind. Second, by establishing the personal virtue of Taekwondo, the education of upright personality regarding Taekwondo shall be built up. Third, the criteria of personal virtue of Taekwondo were extracted from Oriental studies and Korean traditional aspects. The total of eight categories was suggested: Seven Emotiongs and Mencius for the beginner, Four Clues, Three Bonds, and Five Relations for the intermediate, and "Respect" by Toegye and Taoism for the advance. Through this, it is expected that more active discussion regarding the personal virtue of Taekwondo may be opened.
Key Words
Taekwondo, ethology, education of ethology, human nature, basic, intermediate, advanced
DCO`s ideals and reality 인문,사회과학편 : 도핑검사관의 현실과 이상
김진훈JinHunKim , 이호근HoKunYi
54(4) 407-416, 2015
DCO`s ideals and reality 인문,사회과학편 : 도핑검사관의 현실과 이상
김진훈JinHunKim , 이호근HoKunYi
This research was DCO(Doping Control Officer) of the study methods of doping and anti-doping authorities in doping inspectors of thinking about reality. Doping and DCO to Korea Anti-Doping Agency overall understanding about doping Prevention Committee, the role and obligations of the DCO to KADA and explores about doping, and here is an essential for the existence of a DCO to discuss State Affairs, and promote doping and doping education and thinking about. First, Doping is DCO of State Affairs and the anti-doping activities is essential, yet important task. Doping in sports is more than spiritual values of and, realistically, will be conducted for the protection of the health of the players. Second, Doping education and public relations. Doping itself, although the prevention for the prevention of doping limits. The KADA is a doping and doping by taking advantage of the time and let the general public anti-doping education. Finally, I DCO and Doping education public relations professional instructor activities, while, overall, doping and anti-doping has a lot of difficulty with lack of awareness and understanding about the Web, but the pride and passion that so far has been the scene of quilts. Spirit of sport, and in reality I have what is called the answer you``re looking for on-the-spot will exist tomorrow.
Key Words
DCO, KADA, Doping, Anti-Doping
A Reality of Korea Pro sport 인문,사회과학편 : 대한민국 프로스포츠의 현실
Professional sports of the Republic of Korea have shown a high obsession over match results. Therefore, when selecting the players, the progress is not smooth, but also causing lack of time to be prepared and ready for the game. Because of time shortage, it makes process omitted and players compete on the field not being fully ready. As a result, players are not getting a good result and a situation where someone taken responsible of it gets retired gets repeated. This research has focused on reviewing the chronic problems through the actual examples on the reality of professional sports in Korea and the reason why such things inevitably happen. Long-term investment and financial support, and changes in perception will be able to increase the level of positive growth of professional sports of the Republic of Korea. I hope this study will contribute to presenting a direction for professional sports of the Republic of Korea.
Key Words
Winner-Oriented, Korea sport, Sport essentials, sport ethic
The Relationship Among Leisure Sports Tourism Experience, Enjoyment and Tourism Behavioral Intention 인문,사회과학편 : 레저스포츠관광 체험요소와 즐거움 및 관광행동의도의 관계
장호중HoJungJang , 김동현DonghyunKim
54(4) 427-437, 2015
The Relationship Among Leisure Sports Tourism Experience, Enjoyment and Tourism Behavioral Intention 인문,사회과학편 : 레저스포츠관광 체험요소와 즐거움 및 관광행동의도의 관계
장호중HoJungJang , 김동현DonghyunKim
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship among leisure sports tourism experience, enjoyment and tourism behavioral intention. To accomplish this research purpose, we set up the research hypothesis and model for examining it. The population for this study was participants in marine sports located in Kangwon province. The final 275 responses collected by convenience sampling were used in the data analysis procedure. The items for measuring were largely based on the survey data and the analysis was conducted using SPSS (Ver. 18.0) and AMOS (Ver. 7.0). We have finally reached the conclusion based on this research as follows: First, leisure sports tourism experience influenced the enjoyment positively; Second, leisure sports tourism enjoyment affected the tourism behavioral intention positively; Third, leisure sports tourism experience influenced the tourism behavioral intention positively. As a result, leisure sports tourism derived from the direct leisure experience has a great impact on the enjoyment, and then the experience of enjoyment also affects the tourism behavioral intention, i.e., recommendation intention and verbal intention. Thus, this study suggests that a variety of programs and the facilities of leisure sports tourism are required for the tourists to have diverse experience.
A culture study of women`s sports of babyboom generation in Korea: through oral history interview 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 베이비붐 세대 여성의 운동문화 연구: 구술생애사인터뷰를 중심으로
54(4) 439-452, 2015
A culture study of women`s sports of babyboom generation in Korea: through oral history interview 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 베이비붐 세대 여성의 운동문화 연구: 구술생애사인터뷰를 중심으로
The purpose of this study was to criticize the sport culture of babyboom generation women in Korea society. In the traditional society with Confucianism dominating, women were told to walk in small strides with modesty, keep footsteps narrower than the size of foot and never run frivolously. But in the modern society, many middle aged women-babyboom generation who was born in 1955-1963 and the first generation was served high level education engaged to enjoy various physical activities. For this study, there is a important method to analysis through three oral history interviews . It can be seen the cultural context in the result of sport as a play, restricted P·E class, forced motive-a good motherhood, survival fitness and ready for later life. These results will can be founded as a reality of dynamic relations and provided implications about founding the important of women voice and creating important data for people who want to be engaged in sports as a physical activities.
Key Words
culture study, women`s sports, babyboom generation women, oral history interview, the context of Life, a housewife, good motherhood, women`s housework, reproductive Labor, sex role, survival fitness
The Structural Model Among Social Exchange, Exercise Satisfaction, and Team Cohesion of Players of Ice Hockey 인문,사회과학편 : 아이스하키 선수의 사회적 교환관계와 운동만족도 및 팀응집력 간의 구조모형
유창호ChangHoYoo , 오세이SeiYiOh
54(4) 453-467, 2015
The Structural Model Among Social Exchange, Exercise Satisfaction, and Team Cohesion of Players of Ice Hockey 인문,사회과학편 : 아이스하키 선수의 사회적 교환관계와 운동만족도 및 팀응집력 간의 구조모형
유창호ChangHoYoo , 오세이SeiYiOh
The purpose of the research was to suggest a structural model among social exchange, exercise satisfaction and team cohesion of players of ice hockey. The population of this research target was registered to player in ice hockey federation of korea sports council in 2013 and 2014, and a total of 135 copies of questionnaires was set as valid samples. The verification of a measured model and a structural model of collected material was carried out by using Amos 18.0. The questionnaires for leader-member exchange had been developed by Graen & Uhl-Bieni(1995), Scandura & Graen(1984), team-member exchange had been developed by Seers(1989), Seers, Petty, & Cashman(1995), and Sin(2013), exercise satisfaction had been developed by Hackman & Lawer(1971), Hackman & Oklman(1976), and team cohesion had been developed by Brass(1984), MacCoun(1993), Park(1991), Song(2009. The following results were obtained through the above research method and procedure. First, it appeared that social exchange have a significant influence on exercise satisfaction. Second, it appeared that social exchange have a significant influence on team cohesion partly. Third, it appeared that exercise satisfaction have a significant influence on team cohesion.
Key Words
structural model, social exchange, Leader-member exchange, team-member exchange, exercise satisfaction, team cohesion
The Relationship among Leisure Attitude, Perceived Stress and Stress Coping in College Student-Athlete 인문,사회과학편 : 대학 학생선수의 여가태도와 지각된 스트레스 그리고 스트레스대처 방식간의 관계
김보람BoRamKim , 박진훈JinHoonPark , 최영준YoungJunChoi
54(4) 469-481, 2015
The Relationship among Leisure Attitude, Perceived Stress and Stress Coping in College Student-Athlete 인문,사회과학편 : 대학 학생선수의 여가태도와 지각된 스트레스 그리고 스트레스대처 방식간의 관계
김보람BoRamKim , 박진훈JinHoonPark , 최영준YoungJunChoi
The purpose of this study is to compare the college student-athletes and student-generals in leisure attitude, perceived stress and stress coping and assess the relationship between variables. For this, 119 male college student-athletes and 194 student-generals as the comparison group were selected by the judgment sampling method. Except the 34 questionnaires which is based on 313 valid samples, were analyzed using factor analysis, correlation analysis, t-test, multiple regression analysis. From these, the following results are obtained. Firstly, in the difference assessment of leisure attitude, perceived stress, stress coping between college student-athletes and student-generals; cognitive attitude, positive perception problem-focused coping and the emotion-focused coping showed that there is a statistically significant difference between groups. Secondly, in the relationship between leisure attitude, perceived stress and stress coping of college student-athletes and student-generals appeared to give a positive and negative effect on each variables partially.
The effect of selective attribute on perceived value and Loyalty for the viewing of mega sports event participant -focusing on 2014 Incheon Asian Games audience 인문,사회과학편 : 메가스포츠이벤트 참가자의 관람을 위한 선택속성이 지각된 가치와 충성도에 미치는 영향 -2014년 인천아시안게임 관람객을 중심으로
성상훈SanghoonSung , 설수영SuyoungSul , 강현욱HyunwookKang
54(4) 483-492, 2015
The effect of selective attribute on perceived value and Loyalty for the viewing of mega sports event participant -focusing on 2014 Incheon Asian Games audience 인문,사회과학편 : 메가스포츠이벤트 참가자의 관람을 위한 선택속성이 지각된 가치와 충성도에 미치는 영향 -2014년 인천아시안게임 관람객을 중심으로
성상훈SanghoonSung , 설수영SuyoungSul , 강현욱HyunwookKang
The study was aimed at inquiring into the effect of selective attribute on perceived value and loyalty of the 2014 Incheon Asian Games audience. Samples were extracted by non-probability sampling and convenient sampling methods. The questionnaire was distributed to 283 subjects who participated as audience in the 2014 Incheon Asian Games. PASW Statistics 20.0 was used for data processing and various analyses including frequency analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The results of analyses indicated that some factors of selective attribute had significant effects on perceived value and loyalty. More specifically, first, physical attributes, service quality, which belong to selective attribute, showed positive influence on perceived value. In contrast, other factors of selective attributes such as accessibility and perceived risks, had insignificant effect on perceived value. Second, perceived value showed positive effects on loyalty. Further, some factors of selective attributes such as physical attributes, service quality, accessibility, showed positive effects on loyalty, while a perceived risks, had no significant effects on loyalty.
Key Words
Asian Game, selective attribute, perceived value, Loyalty
Sporting event volunteers` perceived benefit and satisfaction according to serious Leisure Levels 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠이벤트 자원봉사자의 진지한여가 수준에 따른 편익과 만족
김미량MilyangKim , 황선환SunhwanHwang
54(4) 493-502, 2015
Sporting event volunteers` perceived benefit and satisfaction according to serious Leisure Levels 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠이벤트 자원봉사자의 진지한여가 수준에 따른 편익과 만족
김미량MilyangKim , 황선환SunhwanHwang
The current study confirmed sport event volunteering as a form of serious leisure activity and investigated the difference between volunteers’ perceived benefit and satisfaction pertaining to different levels of serious leisure. Additional research analysis included the examining how volunteering benefit affects satisfaction according to serious leisure levels. A total of 218 samples from the 2011 F1 formula one event were used for data analysis. SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 were utilized to examine the data, including frequency, confirmatory factor analysis, internal consistency, K-means cluster analysis, one-way ANOVA, and multi-regression analysis. Research results indicate that perceived benefit consisted of two factors, excitement and professional development. In addition, sport event volunteers naturally compartmentalized into three groups pertaining to different levels of serious leisure. Lastly, statistical evidence entails that excitement and professional development differently affects volunteering satisfaction. These findings provide insights in understanding sport event volunteers as serious leisure participants and further recognize the existence of multiple volunteer groups in the serious leisure context. Scholars and event managers may develop specific volunteer programs such as effective training and assigning appropriate tasks that will eventually encourage volunteers to continue volunteering.
Key Words
Serious Leisure, sporting event, sport volunteering, volunteers` satisfaction
Future Directions to Develop Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines for Korean Children and Adolescents 인문,사회과학편 : 아동청소년의 좌식행동가이드라인 개발을 위한 향후 과제
Emerging evidence suggests that the amount of time spent in sedentary behaviour (SB) is independently associated with the health and wellness of young people, regardless of their physical activity levels. Given the increasing prevalence of technology-based screen-time and internet addiction among Korean youth, it is important to develop evidence-based SB guidelines that reflect the culturally specific context of Korea. The purposes of the current study were to 1) review the process of the development and the content of existing guidelines; 2) review the studies which examined SB among Korean children and adolescents; and 3) discuss directions for future studies in an effort to develop and disseminate SB guidelines in Korea. Existing SB guidelines recommend that children and adolescents should minimize the time they spend being sedentary each day, and limit screen-time to less than two hours per day. The scarcity of relevant research among Korean youth (n=15) makes it difficult to accurately identify levels, patterns, correlates, and determinants of SB in order to develop appropriate and achievable guidelines for Korean children and adolescents. Future studies should build on the existing literature in the following areas: 1) patterns of SB, 2) SB and health, 3) measures of SB, 4) correlates and determinants of SB, 5) intervention studies, and 6) knowledge translation.
Key Words
sedentary behaviour guideline, Korean children, Korean adolescents, a narrative review
Taekwondo Promotion Policy of the Korean Government and Changes in the Taekwondo Demonstration Culture 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 정부의 태권도 진흥정책과 시범문화의 변화
권경상KyungSangKwon , 이종영JongYoungLee
54(4) 515-526, 2015
Taekwondo Promotion Policy of the Korean Government and Changes in the Taekwondo Demonstration Culture 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 정부의 태권도 진흥정책과 시범문화의 변화
권경상KyungSangKwon , 이종영JongYoungLee
The purpose of this study is to clarify what relationship exists between the Korean government``s policies for Taekwondo promotion and accompanied changes in Taekwondo demonstration culture. For this purpose, we adopted the method of literature research, and data were collected from national policy materials, records of the performances of the Taekwondo Demonstration Team, forms of demonstration, newspaper reports, press releases, special publications for Taekwondo demonstration, previous studies etc. Based on the collected data, this study explored government policies for Taekwondo promotion and changes in Taekwondo demonstration culture that have been influenced by the government policies on Taekwondo promotion. Its results are as follows. First, the government policies for Taekwondo promotion were Taekwondo support policy as traditional culuture, as civil foreign relationship promotion, as establishing foreign relation with socialism countries, as cultural exchanges between South and North Korea, and also as the policies following the law of Taekwondo Promotion. Second, the culture of Taekwondo demonstration has been changed, on the side of the contents, components of performing arts such as music, lights, costume, stages, make-up etc. are included apart from the existing traditional demonstration, while on the side of the forms, changes have arisen from traditional demonstration to performing art by making Taekwondo demonstration cultural contents in the forms of non-verbal performances, musicals etc. And also Taekwondo demonstration culture to be oriented toward the Hallyu (Korean wave) in sports diplomacy in accordance with the context of the Hallyu policies that have tried to commercialize and marketize culture, from foreign relation oriented tendency of Taekwondo demonstration.
Key Words
Taekwondo, Demostration Team, National policy
A quantitative Analysis of the Performance Evaluation for the Supporting Business of National Sport Promotion Fund 인문,사회과학편 : 국민체육진흥기금 지원사업 성과평가의 계량적 분석
유한웅HanWoongYoo , 김진세JinSeKim , 강현민HyunMinKang
54(4) 527-538, 2015
A quantitative Analysis of the Performance Evaluation for the Supporting Business of National Sport Promotion Fund 인문,사회과학편 : 국민체육진흥기금 지원사업 성과평가의 계량적 분석
유한웅HanWoongYoo , 김진세JinSeKim , 강현민HyunMinKang
The purpose of this research was to provide preliminary data for the efficiency of korean sport policy program by quantitatively analyzing the results of performance evaluation. To achieve this objective, this research extracted 340 results of performance evaluation which came from 68 samples of programs(samples have been consistently proceeded for five years, 2009~2013). For data analysis, One-way ANOVA and correlation analysis were performed. The results were found as follows; First, elite sport business scored the highest in the field of business and KOC(Korean Olympic Committee) is the most competitive organization in the field of elite sport business. Comparing to KCSA(Korea Council of Sport for All), KSPO(Korea Sport Promotion Organization) is the more competitive organization in the field of sport for all. Second, supporting type business scored higher than event type business and lesson type business. Third, the performance evaluations of KOC and KSPO showed its excellence among major sport organizations. Fourth, it showed that there was a positive correlationship between the performance evaluation and budget.
Key Words
sport policy, sport fund supporting business, Korea Sports Promotion Organization, KSPO, performance evaluation
Effects of Chiropractic and PNF Exercise on Pain Self-Awareness and Autonomic Nervous Function in Forward Head Posture Patients 자연과학편 : 8주간의 카이로프랙틱과 PNF 운동 복합처치가 전방머리자세 환자의 통증자각도와 자율신경기능에 미치는 영향
오동건DongGunOh , 성순창SoonChangSung , 이만균ManGyoonLee
54(4) 539-549, 2015
Effects of Chiropractic and PNF Exercise on Pain Self-Awareness and Autonomic Nervous Function in Forward Head Posture Patients 자연과학편 : 8주간의 카이로프랙틱과 PNF 운동 복합처치가 전방머리자세 환자의 통증자각도와 자율신경기능에 미치는 영향
오동건DongGunOh , 성순창SoonChangSung , 이만균ManGyoonLee
This study was designed to examine the effects of combined treatment of chiropractic and PNF exercise on pain selfawareness scale and autonomic nervous function in forward head posture patients. Thirty forward head posture patients were divided into one of three groups, i.e., chiropractic group (n=10), PNF exercise group (n=10), and combined chiropractic and PNF pattern exercise group (C+P group; n=10). Subjects in three groups went through in each program for 25 min/session, three times/wk for eight weeks. Pain self-awareness scale and autonomic nervous function were measured and compared among groups and between pre- and post-test. Main results were as follows: 1) All variables regarding pain self-awareness improved significantly in all three groups. The changes in C+P group were more significant than other two groups. 2) All variables regarding autonomic nervous function improved significantly in all three groups. The changes in stress resistance and stress index in C+P group were more significant than other two groups. It was concluded that all three interventions would be effective for functional recovery of the pain self-awareness and autonomic nervous function in forward head posture patients. Especially, combined treatment of chiropractic and PNF exercise would be the most effective intervention.
Key Words
chiropractic, PNF, pain self-awareness, autonomic nervous function, forward head posture
The effects of long-term endurance exercise with inhibition of PPARβ/δ function on GLUT4 expression in rat skeletal muscle 자연과학편 : 흰쥐의 장기간 지구성 운동과 골격근 PPARβ/δ 기능 억제가 GLUT4 발현에 미치는 영향
고진호JinHoKoh , 김기진KiJinKim
54(4) 551-560, 2015
The effects of long-term endurance exercise with inhibition of PPARβ/δ function on GLUT4 expression in rat skeletal muscle 자연과학편 : 흰쥐의 장기간 지구성 운동과 골격근 PPARβ/δ 기능 억제가 GLUT4 발현에 미치는 영향
고진호JinHoKoh , 김기진KiJinKim
The aim of this study was to identify the effects of long-term endurance exercise on glucose transporter type 4(GLUT4) expression in rat skeletal muscle that inhibition of Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta(PPARβ/δ) function by shot-hairpin PPARβ/δ(shPPARβ/δ) overexpression. shPPARβ/δ was over-expressed in rat epitrochlearis (Epi) muscle using electrical pulse-mediated gen transfer (electroporation; EPO) method before 2 wks swimming exercise. To evaluate PPAR β/δ, nuclear respiratory factor 1(NRF-1), myocyte enhancer factor 2(MEF2A) and GLUT4 protein expression in rat skeletal muscle, Epi muscle were dissected after 2 wks swimming exercise. PPARβ/δ, NRF-1, MEF2A and GLUT4 protein expression in shPPARβ/δ over-expression sedentary (Sed) skeletal muscle were significantly decreased over 50% when compare to scramble gene treated Sed muscle. PPARβ/δ, NRF-1, MEF2A and GLUT4 protein expression in 2 wks swimming exercise with Scr gene treated muscle were significantly increased over 2 fold when compare to Scr gene treated Sed skeletal muscle, but PPARβ/δ, NRF-1, MEF2A and GLUT4 protein expression in 2wks swimming exercise with shPPARβ/δ over-expression skeletal muscle were not increased when compare to Scr gene treated Sed skeletal muscle. Our results indicate that GLUT4 protein expression in skeletal muscle was controled by PPARβ/δ following long-term endurance exercise.
Key Words
endurance exercise, PPARβ/δ, NRF-1, MEF2A, GLUT4
The Effect of Exercise Type on High School Students` Brainwaves Depending on Their Game Addiction Level 자연과학편 : 인터넷 게임 중독수준에 따른 고등학생의 운동유형이 뇌파에 미치는 영향
강소형SoHyungKang , 남상남SangNamNam , 김일곤IlKonKim
54(4) 561-574, 2015
The Effect of Exercise Type on High School Students` Brainwaves Depending on Their Game Addiction Level 자연과학편 : 인터넷 게임 중독수준에 따른 고등학생의 운동유형이 뇌파에 미치는 영향
강소형SoHyungKang , 남상남SangNamNam , 김일곤IlKonKim
This study was conducted on 18-year old male students enrolled at a H Game Specialized High School located in W-gun of Jeollabukdo for 12 weeks, by dividing the students into two groups depending on exercise types - Competition Exercise Group and Individual Exercise Group - and categorizing them into three groups based on the game addiction level test score - Addiction Group, Potential Addiction Group, Normal Group - in order to test the effect of exercise type on high school students``brainewaves depending on their game addiction level. Upon comparing and analyzing the effects on game addiction level, brainwaves before the program and after 12 weeks of program, the following results were found. In conclusion, it was found that the exercise types of students has a positive effect on the students``brainwaves. It was also confirmed that out of the two exercise groups, the IEG showed more positive effects on the game addiction level, brainwaves , than the CEG. It is the same as the result which showed that the exercise type showed more positive effects on the game addiction level, brainwaves, as the game addition level of the student was higher.
Key Words
game addiction, brainwave, exercise type
Effects of resistance exercise and high-protein diet treatment on innate immune function by TLR-4 protein activation on skeletal muscle of middle aged rat 자연과학편 : 저항성 운동과 고단백식이가 중년 흰쥐 골격근의 TLR-4 단백질 활성에 의한 내재면역기능에 미치는 영향
안나영NaYoungAhn , 김상현SangHyunKim , 김기진KiJinKim
54(4) 575-586, 2015
Effects of resistance exercise and high-protein diet treatment on innate immune function by TLR-4 protein activation on skeletal muscle of middle aged rat 자연과학편 : 저항성 운동과 고단백식이가 중년 흰쥐 골격근의 TLR-4 단백질 활성에 의한 내재면역기능에 미치는 영향
안나영NaYoungAhn , 김상현SangHyunKim , 김기진KiJinKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of resistance exercise and high-protein diet treatment on innate immune function by TLR-4 protein activation and pro-inflammation cytokines on skeletal muscle of middle aged rat. 50-week middle aged male Wistar rats were given a 4-week high-fat diet to induce obesity before randomly assigning them into 5 groups (High fat diet+Control, High fat diet+High fat diet, High fat diet+High protein diet, High fat diet+High fat diet+Resistance exercise, High fat diet+High protein diet+Resistance exercise). Combinations of high fat diet, high protein diet, and resistance exercise (ladder climbing) treatments were administered. The groups with added resistance exercise were trained for 8 weeks with workout intensity, duration, and frequency of 70~100% body weight, 8rep/set, 8set, 3day/week respectively. After 8 weeks of diet treatment and resistance exercise, rats were sacrificed and skeletal muscle were dissected for analysis. Results showed insulin resistance, TLR-4 protein activation, IL-1β and IL-6 expressions significantly decreased after resistance exercise in the HF group. On the other hand, TLR-4 and IL-6 expressions of rats in the HP group also decreased following resistance exercise. Therefore, resistance exercise is believed to improve the innate immune system particularly in enhancing skeletal muscle function but further studies are needed to understand the cell surface’s innate immune pathway.
Effect of kinesiotaping on the subacromial space parameters depending on the angles of shoulder abduction 자연과학편 : 키네시오 테이핑 적용이 어깨관절 벌림에 따른 봉우리밑 공간의 변화에 미치는 영향
최호경HoKyungChoi , 김은국EunKukKim
54(4) 587-596, 2015
Effect of kinesiotaping on the subacromial space parameters depending on the angles of shoulder abduction 자연과학편 : 키네시오 테이핑 적용이 어깨관절 벌림에 따른 봉우리밑 공간의 변화에 미치는 영향
최호경HoKyungChoi , 김은국EunKukKim
The aim of this study was to verify the effect of kinesiotaping (KT) quantitatively on adjusting scapular motion for healthy young adults, and to provide fundamental resources for developing the effective method of KT on the subacromial impingement syndrome. Twelve young adults (male=10, female=2) who had no history of pain or functional disorders in shoulder and cervical spine were examined using diagnostic ultrasound to measure the thickness of supraspinatus tendon (pre-STT) and acromiohumeral distance (pre-AHD) at 0°, 45°, and 60°of shoulder abduction. Thirty minutes after applying KT on lower trapezius and serratus anterior muscles, all of the parameters (post-STT, post-AHD) were re-examined in the same way. The ratio of STT to AHD (preand post-) was also calculated and compared. The measurements of this study showed that the pre-STT (6.23±.989) and post-STT (6.39±.804) were not different significantly (p=.48). At 0°of shoulder abduction, the post-AHD (14.93±1.328) was significantly wider than the pre-AHD (14.09±1.475) (p=.036), and at 45°of shoulder abduction, the post-AHD (13.02±1.765) was also significantly wider than the pre-AHD (11.62±1.843) (p=.004). At 45°of shoulder abduction, the post-STT/AHD (50.25±10.917) was significantly smaller than the pre-STT/AHD (55.10±14.523) (p=.032). It appeared that KT applied around shoulder in order to modify subacromial space parameters increased AHD and decreased STT/AHD ratio depending on the angle of shoulder abduction, and therefore helped reduce pain and symptoms in the subacromial impingement syndrome.
Analysis of Walking and Turning Characteristics in Patients with Parkinson`s Disease during the Timed Up and Go Task 자연과학편 : Timed Up & Go 과업 시 파킨슨병 환자의 보행 및 회전 특성 분석
손민지MinJiSon , 염창홍ChangHongYoum
54(4) 597-608, 2015
Analysis of Walking and Turning Characteristics in Patients with Parkinson`s Disease during the Timed Up and Go Task 자연과학편 : Timed Up & Go 과업 시 파킨슨병 환자의 보행 및 회전 특성 분석
손민지MinJiSon , 염창홍ChangHongYoum
The purpose of this study was to analyze the movement characteristics of walking and turning during performance of the Timed Up & Go task by groups of patients with Parkinson disease and freezing of gait(n=9), patients with Parkinson disease and no freezing of gait(n=11), and controls(n=13) consisting of age-matched individuals without neurological disorders. For the data analysis, the walking and turning phases in dominant turning side were analyzed. The variables used in the analysis included total time required, total number of steps, spatio-temporal variables (step time, stride time, step length, stride length, cadence, and walking speed), gait asymmetry index, and foot clearance height. The result of present study, total time required and total number of step were significantly lower in both groups of patients with Parkinson disease than in the control group. In the walking phases, stride length, step time, step length, walking speed, and foot clearance height were significantly lower in both groups of patients with Parkinson disease than in the control group. In the turning phases, the asymmetry indices of step length and walking speed were significantly lower in the patients with Parkinson disease and freezing of gait than in the control group. In conclusion, patient with parkinson``s disease is poor walking and turning ability than the control group. The Timed Up & Go task is to identify the likely significant walking and turning characteristics of Parkinson``s disease. Furthermore, the asymmetry index of the step length and foot clearance height as a variable that can be detected with freezing of gait and no freezing of gait is determined to be significant.
Key Words
Parkinson`s disease, Freezing of gait, Timed Up & Go, Turning, Walking
Analysis of spaciotemporal variables of gait depending on walking velocity and BMI in age of 20s male 자연과학편 : 20대 남성의 BMI 및 보행속도에 따른 시,공간 변인 분석
이경진KyungJinLee , 이현섭HyunSeobLee , 유기웅KeeUngYoo
54(4) 609-620, 2015
Analysis of spaciotemporal variables of gait depending on walking velocity and BMI in age of 20s male 자연과학편 : 20대 남성의 BMI 및 보행속도에 따른 시,공간 변인 분석
이경진KyungJinLee , 이현섭HyunSeobLee , 유기웅KeeUngYoo
This study is intended to analyze how walking velocity for body mass index for men in their age of 20s affects gait pattern. For this purpose, the study classified subjects depending on body mass index and then photographed gait motions depending on 3 walking speeds using self selected walking speed. For photographing gait motions, this study used 3D motion capture system while it used Cortex, OrthoTrak, Matlab and SPSS software for data analysis. The results are shown as following: The result showed statically meaningful differences for total support time, single support time, initial double support time, terminal double support time, swing time, cadence, walking velocity, step length and stride length depending on variations of walking velocity in spatiotemporal variables from normal weight group, overweight group and obesity group while step width has no statistically meaningful difference. And it also proved there is no meaningful difference between groups depending on body mass index.
Key Words
gait, BMI, spatiotemporal variables, velocity of gait, gait pattern
Development of Sports Happiness Scale for College Soccer Players 자연과학편 : 대학 축구선수들의 스포츠 행복 척도 개발
김성훈SungHoonKim , 홍성진SungJinHong
54(4) 621-632, 2015
Development of Sports Happiness Scale for College Soccer Players 자연과학편 : 대학 축구선수들의 스포츠 행복 척도 개발
김성훈SungHoonKim , 홍성진SungJinHong
The purpose of this study was to explore about perceived college soccer player``s happiness concept, to develop Sports Happiness Scale for college soccer players and to exam validity of the developed scale. 541 college players were selected as participants of this study, and the study methods process was followed by Cohen, Montague, Nathanson, & Swerdick(1988)`` s process of questionnaire development. As a results from content analysis of open question and in-depth interview, 425 raw data were obtained, 13 sub-domains and 5 general domains(achievement of goal, relaxing mind, completing mind and body, mutual trust, and environment development) were categorized. Based on this results, 4 factors and 22 questions(achievement of goal, relaxing mind, completing mind and body and mutual trust) were finally selected through item analysis, item reliability, exploratory factor analysis. External validity(confirmatory factor analysis, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and predictive validity) showed that the developed scale had satisfaction of the results. This developed scale could apply to check about achievement level to achieve individual goal, relaxation in competitive situation, mutual trust among coaches, players, and parents, and happiness throughout process of being ready for competition for college soccer players.
Key Words
College Soccer Players, Sports Happiness, Scale Development
Effects of swimming program participation on objectified body consciousness and exercise adherence in middle-aged women physically disabled 자연과학편 : 수영프로그램 참여가 중년 지체장애여성의 객체화된 신체의식 및 운동지속수행에 미치는 영향
이영애YoungAeLee , 김동원DongWonKim
54(4) 633-642, 2015
Effects of swimming program participation on objectified body consciousness and exercise adherence in middle-aged women physically disabled 자연과학편 : 수영프로그램 참여가 중년 지체장애여성의 객체화된 신체의식 및 운동지속수행에 미치는 영향
이영애YoungAeLee , 김동원DongWonKim
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of 15 weeks swimming program participation on objectified body consciousness and exercise adherence in middle-aged women physically disabled. The results of this study was as follows. First, there were significant differences of objectified body consciousness(surveillance, body shame) in middle-aged women physically disabled. Second, there were significant differences of exercise adherence(predisposing, enabling, reinforcing) in middle-aged women physically disabled. Therefore it can be seen that 15 weeks swimming program participation affect positively on the body consciousness and exercise duration in middle-aged women physically disabled.
Key Words
swimming program, women physical disabilities, objectified body consciousness, exercise adherence
Effect of Archery classroom for participation on brain function in children with intellectual disability 자연과학편 : 지적장애아동의 국궁교실 참여가 뇌기능에 미치는 영향
54(4) 643-652, 2015
Effect of Archery classroom for participation on brain function in children with intellectual disability 자연과학편 : 지적장애아동의 국궁교실 참여가 뇌기능에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of 12 weeks archery classroom participation on brain function in children with intellectual disability. The results of this study was as follows. The subjects were mild intellectual disabilities Children 20 people of B when A special sports center 40 minutes three times a week were carried out (experimental group 10 patients, the control group 10 patients). Data processing was carried out prior, binary repeated measures analysis of variance (2-way [2] RM ANOVA) for the post-test using the SPSS 21.0 statistics program, all the statistical significance level was set at .05.
A study on the changes of brain function, firstly, collective based in self control, rate between the winter solstice (right) (right), active attention, index (right), emotions, stress, to balance the left and right brain, brain differences in the exponent. Secondly, the main effect of measuring point in self control, base rate to the winter solstice (right), note, active, emotional, stress level, left and right brain balance, showed a difference in the brain can not. Third, the effects of interaction at the self-regulating measure groups, pay attention to the winter solstice (right), the basic rate, active, emotional, stress level, left and right brain balance, showed a difference in the brain can not. Therefore, it is seen that archery classroom participation effect affirmatively on brain function in children with intellectual disability.
Key Words
Intellectual disability, archery, brain function
A Comparative Analysis of Consumer Attitude Depending on the Type of Sport Advertisement and Presence of Disability of Commercial Model 자연과학편 : 광고모델의 장애유무에 따른 장애인과 비장애인 소비자의 스포츠광고 및 브랜드 태도 비교연구
박진우JinWooPark , 김지태JiTaeKim , 권일권IlKwonKwon
54(4) 653-664, 2015
A Comparative Analysis of Consumer Attitude Depending on the Type of Sport Advertisement and Presence of Disability of Commercial Model 자연과학편 : 광고모델의 장애유무에 따른 장애인과 비장애인 소비자의 스포츠광고 및 브랜드 태도 비교연구
박진우JinWooPark , 김지태JiTaeKim , 권일권IlKwonKwon
The propose of this study was to verify consumer attitude depending on the type of sport advertisement, presence of disability of commercial model and advertising effect measurement model for the disabled. In order to achieve this objective, samples were taken by using quota sampling method among non-probability sampling methods. The participants of this study consisted of disabled people 120, non-disabled people 120, and total 240 participants. Frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, Cronbach’s α, and paired t-test through the SPSS version 20.0 window have been used for the data analysis. The results were as follows. First, in the case of sport public advertisement, disabled consumers prefer non-disabled model to disabled model. Second, in the case of sport public advertisement, non-disabled consumers prefer disabled model to non-disabled model. Third, in the case of sport product advertisement, disabled consumers prefer disabled model to non-disabled model. Lastly, in the case of sport product advertisement, non-disabled consumers did not respond.
Key Words
comparative analysis, consumer attitude, sport advertisement, presence, disability, commercial
A phenomenological Study on Participation Experience of group exercise program for Patients with Parkinson`s Disease 자연과학편 : 파킨슨병 환자의 그룹 운동프로그램 참여 경험에 대한 현상학적 연구
A phenomenological Study on Participation Experience of group exercise program for Patients with Parkinson`s Disease 자연과학편 : 파킨슨병 환자의 그룹 운동프로그램 참여 경험에 대한 현상학적 연구
The purpose of the present study was to understand group exercise participation experience of patients with Parkinson``s disease. The qualitative data on group exercise participation experiences of six participants was acquired through in-depth interviews, participant observation and field note, using the phenomenological method. As a result, 82 meaningful statements were obtained from participants`` exercise participation experience, as being categorized into 12 themes and 4 categories: (1) exercise perception, (2) difficulty in participating in an exercise program, (3) exercise-social aspect, and (4) exercise experience. Participants perceived the importance of exercise as a treatment option, which would substantially enhance their health condition. Additionally, there was co-existence of perception of both exercise constraints and exercise constraints negotiation due to perceived benefit of exercise. they also experience more difficulty when participating in exercise by oneself. Group exercise program could provide opportunities for communication between participants, however, they also distrust community of participants. Finally, participants participated in the exercise program actively and as a result they experienced positive change in their psychological and physical health.
Key Words
Parkinson`s disease, Group exercise program, exercise experience, phenomenological research